

Pressefotos von Hikmet Temizer

a dozen CFR — Loan that is secu­re indi­rect­ly by the inventory

a dozen CFR - Loan that is secure indirectly by the inventory

From insi­de the a trans­la­ti­on wro­te in the it sta­ted: The fresh new Panel have enough time kept, in the * * * goal city, your total­ly new aim of that loan real­ly should not be cal­cu­la­ted on a slim rese­arch of the tech­no­lo­gy acti­vi­ties under and that good mor­tga­ge is established * * *

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(a) A con­cern might have been pre­sen­ted to the brand new Board on whe­ther or not a loan of the a bank so you can a com­mon finan­cial sup­port finan­ce was cover­ed * * * indi­rect­ly becau­se of the mar­gin inven­to­ry during the mea­ning of 221.(3)(a), and so the finan­cing might be mana­ged once the sus­cep­ti­ble to so it region.

(b) Tem­po­r­a­ri­ly, the facts are as fol­lows. Finan­ce X, an unbar­red-end resour­ce orga­niza­ti­on, regis­tered towards that loan con­tract with Finan­cial Y, which had been (but still are) caret­a­ker of the secu­ri­ties hence were the coll­ec­tion out of Money X. The new arran­ge­ment includes the fol­lo­wing con­di­ti­ons, which are mate­ri­al towards the mat­ter up until the Panel:

(1) Fund X agrees having a keen advan­ta­ge publi­ci­ty (just like the dis­cus­sed regar­ding pre­pa­ra­ti­ons) off eight hundred per cent of all the their bor­ro­wings, for ins­tance the advi­sed bor­ro­wing, at the time when it takes off one the main mortgage.

(2) Funds X belie­ves to stead­fast­ly keep up an enthu­si­a­stic asset covera­ge of at least 3 hundred per­cent of their bor­ro­wings all of the time.
