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Can I get a home equi­ty loan or HELOC on a second home?

Can I get a home equity loan or HELOC on a second home?

If you own a second home or vaca­ti­on home in a sought-after area, you may have seen even big­ger equi­ty gains than average.

But what hap­pens if you want to tap that equi­ty? Can you take out a home equi­ty loan or HELOC on your second home?

The ans­wer may be yes, but the rules are a litt­le dif­fe­rent than for your pri­ma­ry home. Here’s what to expect.

Home equi­ty loans and HELOCs on second homes

Ins­tead, you could access the value of your home using a cash-out refi­nan­ce, home equi­ty loan, or home equi­ty line of cre­dit (HELOC).
