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I 10 Miglio­ri Hotel In Zona Vil­la Bel­li­ni E Din­tor­ni A Cata­nia, Italia

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  • Book here and avo­id any sur­pri­ses at your arri­val to Bel­li­ni Hotel.
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In respon­se to the coro­na­vi­rus (COVID-19), addi­tio­nal safe­ty and sani­ta­ti­on mea­su­res are curr­ent­ly in effect at this pro­per­ty. Groups When boo­king more than 6 rooms, dif­fe­rent poli­ci­es and addi­tio­nal sup­ple­ments may app­ly. Child­ren and beds Child­ren of any age are wel­co­me. NH Vene­zia San­ta Lucia hotel is con­ve­ni­ent­ly loca­ted in Can­n­ar­eggio area of Venice, 900 met­res from Piaz­z­ale Roma. Saint Mark’s Squa­re is a plea­sant 30-minu­te walk away.

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Break­fast should be bet­ter, the­re weren’t many varie­ties, just basic opti­ons, every day the same. The loca­ti­on is gre­at, room was com­for­ta­ble and spa­cious, staff is very poli­te and wel­co­ming. Per­fect loca­ti­on, poli­te and kind­ly staff, the rooms were clean. This pro­per­ty is loca­ted in a resi­den­ti­al area and guests are asked to refrain from exces­si­ve noi­se. Plea­se inform Bel­li­ni Hotel in advan­ce of your expec­ted arri­val time. Due to Coro­na­vi­rus (COVID-19), this pro­per­ty has redu­ced recep­ti­on and ser­vice ope­ra­ting hours.