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Amid the news of Midas record invest­ment, Nasdaq con­gra­tu­la­ted the fin­tech firm on a giant screen at Times Squa­re in New York. The other fea­ture that you will find real­ly inte­res­t­ing is the chan­ge music but­ton. More so, if you don’t wish https://wjpartners.com.au/ to hear any of the songs then you can sim­ply choo­se “None” as your opti­on. “The goal of the new pro­ject is to crea­te a win-win situa­ti­on by con­nec­ting com­pe­ting pro­to­cols with liqui­di­ty and offe­ring a sim­pli­fied yield to a ran­ge of DeFi and CeFi audi­en­ces,” Levin wro­te. Start­ing on Tues­day, Midas dis­ab­led depo­sits and swaps, as well as with­dra­wals, for some time while it makes cal­cu­la­ti­ons and balan­ce adjus­t­ments. Its tar­get is to deduct 55percent from user balan­ces held in bit­co­in , ether and sta­b­le­co­ins, with the adjus­t­ment being com­pen­sa­ted for in MIDAS tokens that can be swap­ped in for tokens of its new project.

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Rough­ly half the sta­tes in the U.S. have moder­ni­zed the soft­ware and infor­ma­ti­on-tech­no­lo­gy infra­struc­tu­re for their unem­ploy­ment-insu­rance sys­tems. In many cases, the­se updates are cru­cial to kee­ping the sys­tems run­ning smooth­ly, and many help clai­mants more easi­ly file for bene­fits. But this is not always the case—in Flo­ri­da, for exam­p­le, the new sys­tem adopted about six years ago made it much har­der for peo­p­le to app­ly. Amid an unpre­ce­den­ted sur­ge in unem­ploy­ment claims during the COVID-19 pandemic—more than 40 mil­li­on Ame­ri­cans have filed sin­ce mid-March—the pro­blems could be amplified.

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